IST 2019 Proceedings:
A download link will be sent out via email to all paid attendees. Only registered papers will be included in the proceedings. Late registration papers will be added on a regular base as they are received.
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2020 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems & Techniques (IST)
Tainan, Taiwan: October 19-22, 2020
Call For Papers
2021 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems & Techniques (IST)
New York City, USA
More Information Coming Soon!
IST 2019
Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Center, United Arab Emirates
Abu Dhabi is rapid development and urbanization, coupled with the relatively high average income of its population, has transformed the city into a large and advanced metropolis. Today the city is the country s center of political and industrial activities, and a major cultural and commercial center, due to its position as the capital.
Topic Areas
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IST 2019
Imaging Informatics and Artificial Intelligence
- Image processing and pattern recognition
- Big Data Analytics
- Machine Learning
- Deep Learning
- Data Mining
- Integration of Imaging Informatics and Bioinformatics
Robotic Vision & Industry 4
- Machine vision, inspection, and artificial intelligence
- Cognitive vision systems
- Bioinspired robotic vision systems
- 2-d, 3-d, 4-d imaging
- Light Illumination architectures
- Medical surgical robotics
- Block chain and distributed robotic vision sensing
- Human visual system-based Imaging
- Mobile Robotic Vision
- Logistics and e-commerce
Medical Diagnostics & Imaging to Biology
- Big Data Analysis and imaging
- Immunohistochemical digital imaging
- Translational imaging and theranostics
- Molecular imaging and biology, Omics, biomarkers, metabolites
- Virtual pathology
- Pharmaco-imaging in drugs and medicine, drug characterization
- Omics instrumentation and imaging
Medical Image Modalities
- Optical polarimetric reflectance spectroscopy
- Optical multispectral imaging,
- Narrow band imaging.
- Laser Acoustics
- Raman scattering, laser acoustics,
- High magnification bronchovideoscopy,
- Fluorescence and autofluorescence
- Optical coherence tomography (OCT),
- Surgical guidance imaging
On-Chip Signal or Image Processing
- Image sensors for 3D imaging
- Bio-inspired image sensor
Medical Image Analysis, Processing, & Image Visualization
- Image analysis
- Wavelets and fractals
- Deep learning
- Image registration
- Image Segmentation
- Pattern Recognition
- Feature Extraction
- Texture Analysis
- Applications of medical image processing
- Exploratory data analysis and big data
- ET, MRI, CT, SPECT, microscopy.
- Optical coherence tomography (OCT)
Imaging Devices & Techniques
- Imaging sensors and detectors
- Cameras, microscopy, spectroscopy, displays, device miniaturization
- Computer graphics and imaging.
- Imaging, machine learning, and GPU processors
- Tomographic Scanners: ECT, Inverse scattering, Industrial Scanners
- Image processing and pattern recognition
- Emerging imaging trends
- Web-based remote diagnosis
- Internet of Things (IoT) and Imaging
- Cloud Computing, Imaging, and mobile Platforms
- Cybersecurity and Imaging
High-end Image Sensors
- High speed
- Large format
- Ultra low power
- Ultra low noise
- Very high dynamic range
- On-chip processing for smarter sensors
Image Sensors Assessment & Novel Implementations or Applications
- Hyperspectral image sensors or camera
- Image sensors for computational imaging
- Image sensors for automotive applications
- Image sensors used in integrated networks (internet of things)
- Image sensors for drones and autonomous vehicles
- Sensor fusion
Emerging Imaging Trends
- Web-based remote diagnosis
- Internet of Things (IoT) and Imaging
- Cloud Computing, Imaging, and mobile Platforms
- Cybersecurity and Imaging
- Smart Cities and Imaging
- High Precision Agriculture
Remote Sensing & Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles
- Remote sensing, ladars & lidars
- Autonomous aerial and underwater imaging systems
- Bioinspired robotic vision systems
- Electromagnetic scattering
- Advanced space instruments and satellite imaging
- Sensors for aerospace applications
- Image processing and pattern recognition
- Spectral registration
- High dimensional data reduction in spectral bands
Imaging Tools
- Texture Analysis
- Image quality Assessment
- Image restoration
- Super-resolution Imaging
- Human visual system based Imaging
- Compressive sensing for imaging
- Image enhancement
Mobile Platforms, Wireless Image Transmission & Cybersecurity
- Embedded imaging, mobile and communication applications
- Web-based remote diagnosis
Multimedia Retrieval in Spectral Imaging
- Content-based retrieval in hyper/multi-spectral domain
- Summarization tools in hyper/multi-spectral domain
- Relevance feedback techniques to assist experts in taking complex decisions
- Behavioral analysis and actions recognition for complex engineering applications
- 4D/5D image reconstruction
- Semantic representation and content enrichment
Real life Imaging Applications & Challenges
- Homeland security, surveillance, inspection and monitoring
- Industrial Inspection and material characterization
- Semiconductor wafers, solar cells, nanomaterials, biomaterials and composites
- Pharmaceutical and food processing vision inspection system
- Image phenomenology and processing-active-passive sensors and illumination technologies
- Urban planning, civil engineering monitoring & transportation
- Environmental monitoring & early detection of natural hazards
- Cultural heritage applications